
This is an overview of my professional activities, which cover both research and applied projects. They are part of the Reliable software architectures research group, mainly.


    The DBLP lists my publications rather correctly.
    See my Google Scholar profile for citations etc, and Research Gate profile for some more trendy stats.

Projects (current and recent)

    AFarCloud (Aggregate Farming in the Cloud) — an ECSEL H2020 project, coordinator Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Our main responsibility is in work packages WP2 on cloud infrastructure specification and WP4 in development of reconfigurable platform.
    R&D in Intelligent Components of Advanced Technologies for the Pilsen metropolitan area (InteCom). ESIF project CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_048/0007267. Work package WP1.3: Methods and processes for control software safety assurance — WP lead
    Visual Interaction Methods for Improved Exploration of Large AST Graphs (Oracle Labs sponsored research, 2016-2017)
    Methods of development and verification of component-based applications using natural language specifications (GAČR 2011-2013)

The ReliSA research group projects page has them all.

Research interests

    Modeling for component/modular systems — in general, the focus is on capturing important component characteristics on a meta-model and model level.
    Verification of consistency/compatibility in modular software architectures — studying the interplay of formal notions and the properties of real-world component frameworks, and means to make the verification efficient for dynamic and/or resource-constrained scenarios.
    Analysis, modeling and improvement of software processess — studying the software project methodologies and processes from empirical standpoint, with applications to SPI in general.

See also topics for potential PhD students, and the areas of interest of our research group.

For reference: my PhD dissertation was on component substitutability, my habilitation thesis was on models, properties and consistency verification of component-based systems.

Membership and community involvement

I have served in the programme committees of Euromicro SEAA , FESCA, QUASOSS, etc.

My organizational involvement includes IFIP TC2, Informatics Europe.