TSD2023 is organized by the Plzeň crew from the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia again (as every odd year). For the upcoming run, TSD gets back from Moravia to West Bohemia, namely to Plzeň (or Pilsen, in Germanic languages). That is, to the town that gave its name to the best beer in the world, to the home of wide-ranging world-renowned industries, to the home of – quite expectedly – the University of West Bohemia, one of the most favourite "young" universities in Czechia. Plzeň has a lot to offer and is eager to show you. It was founded in 1295 as a royal city by the Czech king Wenceslas II, and now it is the fourth largest city in the Czech Republic and the natural centre of the western part of the country.
(To find out more about Plzeň, go to the
The TSD2023 conference is supported by the International
Speech Communication Association (ISCA). We hold the status of an ISCA Supported Event.
ISCA is committed to a
pleasant conference experience without harassment and discrimination. Our code-of-conduct can be found at:
The TSD2023 conference is officially recognized as an INTERSPEECH 2023 satellite event again and the topics and programmes will be coordinated. Both Dublin and Plzeň are on the same continent – some 1400 kms (870 mi) away and there is a frequent air connection (you may look for DUB → PRG using e.g. letuška.cz or kiwi.com).