Sub-organizations of institutions in computer science journals at the turn of the century

Sub-organizations of institutions in computer science journals at the turn of the century

Most studies of the research productivity and performance of institutions concentrate on their primary organizations (such as universities) and only few of them deal with sub-organizations of institutions (such as schools or departments) on the large scale. In this paper, we bridge this gap in computer science and analyze the metadata on almost 150,000 journal articles indexed by the Web of Science from the period 1996 – 2005 juxtaposing the first five with the last five years of this epoch. We extract authors’ affiliations from the data and aggregate the articles by sub-organizations of their authors. Consequently, we produce rankings of computer science departments based on various scientometric indicators and compare the corresponding rankings from the two time periods. We find that, in absolute terms, “IBM Corp.; Thomas J. Watson Research Center” always belongs to the best performers by all criteria whereas in relative terms there is no clear performer. We also examine the complete collaboration and citation networks of departments and visualize the most intense collaborations and citations in both periods. Additionally, we show the most cited departments at the turn of the century of three leading computer science institutions.
The available full text is a preprint of the article.

Keywords: Institutions; Sub-organizations; Research productivity; Citations; Collaboration; Computer science.

Year: 2014

Journal ISSN: 1394-6234
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