input layer S-plane S-plane V-plane C-plane C-plane S-plane S-plane V-plane C-plane C-plane S-plane S-plane V-plane C-plane C-plane S-plane S-plane V-plane C-plane C-plane
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6. Network structure - Cell planes

Each layer in the neocognitron consists of certain number of cell planes of the same type. Input layer is exception from this rule. For the input layer the term cell plane is not established.

Number of cell planes in each S-layer and C-layer depends on the number of features extracted in corresponding stage of the network. Each V-layer always consists of only one cell plane.

Structure of the network from figure 5.1 after drawing of cell planes from which the particular layers are assembled is shown in figure 6.1.

Fig. 6.1 - Network structure - Cell planes
Fig. 6.1 - Network structure - Cell planes

From figure 6.1 it is obvious that three types of cell planes exist in the neocognitron - S-planes, V-planes and C-planes.

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