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18. Conclusion

This is the end of our tutorial about the neocognitron. We hope that our tutorial helped you to get in the structure of this interesting neural net and to understand its basic principle and processes which proceed in it.

We believe that we have motivate at least someone to the further study of the neocognitron. Good luck to you.

Before you leave these pages try to answer the following questions :

  1. For what task has been the neocognitron proposed ?
  2. What is the main advantage of the neocognitron ?
  3. What is the basic principle of the neocognitron ?
  4. From which types of layers are the particular stages of the network formed ?
  5. Mention all the types of cells used in the neocognitron.
  6. What are receptive fields and connection areas ?
  7. Which cells ensure feature extraction ?
  8. What is the selectivity ?
  9. What is the function of C-cell ?
  10. Which types of weights are modified during learning ?
  11. What is seed-cell and what is its function ?
  12. What is the output of the neocognitron after recall completition ?
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